Floor of mouth dermoid cysts: a pediatric case series

Quistes dermoides de piso de boca: una serie de casos pediátricos


Juan Francisco Oré Acevedo
Erika Santos Carlin
Katerin Carmen Castillo Chávez

Tumors in the oral cavity in pediatric age usually correspond to persistence or alteration in embryonic formation. They are frequently benign and asymptomatic neoplasms, which clinically present an increase in volume of the soft tissues at the level of the floor of the mouth that can even protrude through the submental region.  When they have considerable volumes they can cause a limitation in swallowing, speech or breathing. We present the case of six pediatric patients with floor of mouth dermoid cysts, characterized by a submental tumor, neither visible nor palpable in the oral cavity, completely asymptomatic.  All of them underwent surgery. With a rapid recovery, without complications, and presenting an adequate esthetic and functional result, the patients have returned to their social activities without any inconvenience. After one year of follow-up, there was no evidence of recurrence.



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