Microsurgical palatal reconstruction with radial flap in a patient with bimaxillary fibrous hyperplasia: a case report

Reconstrucción microquirúrgica palatina con colgajo radial en paciente con hiperplasia fibrosa bimaxilar: un reporte de caso


Juan Francisco Oré Acevedo
Wieslawa de Pawlikowski Amiel
Rosmery Urteaga Quiroga
Abraham Zavala de Pawlikowski

Fibrous hyperplasia is a benign condition characterized by the proliferation of fibrous and mucosal tissue in the lining of the oral cavity. Uncontrolled growth can lead to alterations in speech or feeding function, as well as aesthetic deformities. Lesions are typically removed with primary or anatomical closure if possible. In extensive cases, removal of the mucosal coverage requires tissue with its own vascularity. Here, we present the case of a 17-year-old male with a four-year history of multiple tumor formations dependent on the dentoalveolar mucosal ridge of both maxillae, resulting in tooth loss and severe mobility of the remaining teeth. The patient experienced no pain or bleeding, and consumed only liquid or soft foods due to chewing limitations. The reconstruction of the dentoalveolar ridge of both maxillae and the palate required a free fasciocutaneous flap dependent on the radial artery and vein due to the size of the tissue to be removed during surgery. With excellent aesthetic and functional results, this flap is recommended for achieving adequate coverage for extensive defects in the oral cavity



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