Experience in managing congenital airway obstruction due to mandibular hypoplasia using distraction osteogenesis in a specialized institute in Lima, Peru.

Experiencia en el manejo la obstrucción congénita de vía aérea por hipoplasia mandibular mediante distracción osteogénica en un instituto especializado de Lima, Perú


Juan Francisco Oré Acevedo
Rosmery Urteaga Quiroga
Katerin Carmen Castillo Chávez

Bilateral mandibular hypoplasia is the most common cause of airway obstruction, leading to respiratory and digestive distress. Mandibular distraction osteogenesis is usually required to increase the anteroposterior distance of the mandible and resolve these issues. This study aimed to demonstrate experiences with the application of distraction osteogenesis to restore airway and digestive function. The study reviews medical histories from 2016 to 2022 at a specialized institute in Lima, Peru. We included 17 patients who underwent bilateral mandibular distraction, with 53% of cases aged between 1 to 11 months. Postoperative care was provided in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU,) with 58.8% (10/17) requiring orotracheal intubation and 41.2% (10/17) requiring tracheostomy. As a result of the intervention, anatomical and functional airway improvements were achieved through anteroposterior mandibular augmentation.



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